Hands up if you have ever had a one on one with your manager only to sit their and go (god dam it I wish he/she would just shut up). I recall working for a guy many years ago who lets just say loved the sound of his own voice. Nothing was too much trouble for him to...
by Nick Roud | Executive CoachIn 2016 I established Roud Career Coaching. It was the right time for me and in doing so I was laser focused on creating a lasting business, a business that would serve and a business that would ensure I was living my purpose. We have...
2016- 2021 Executive & Leadership Blog. Nick Roud. 5th Oct 2021 from our global headquarters aka the 20ft shipping container to you, Welcome “Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to...
Meet Richard Young PhD High Performance is in Richard Young’s DNA >“Knowledge experts add, Performance experts subtract, most problems in high performance are addition problems that need a subtraction solution. ” — Richard Young PhD Meet Richard...
Rehab2ultraman 4 weeks post 7th knee surgery and today it’s x2 20min with gears. Thought I’d have a bit of audio and video today to lighten the pain. How’s your progress going. Rehab2ultraman first ride yep first skid. We r back on the bikes today...
Getting away from your office is a good starting point when it comes to coaching “Everyone needs a coach” — Bill Gates Coaching isn’t a quick fix to solving a problem. It’s not therapy and it’s not about being told what you must do! Executive...