Leadership Blog, for Emerging Leaders and or Newly Appointed Managers. By Nick Roud

Leading People. 10th February 2024. Nick Roud Coaching

There may come a time in your career when you are asked or consider taking on a people management position. Whilst it might feel a bit daunting I’d encourage you to really think hard about what is actually being asked of you! Someone believes in you and your capabilities to do an amazing job, that role will mean taking a slight step away from what you have been doing and start brining people together, creating a place for teams to do amazing work. Leading people is a huge privilege and honour. I know from speaking to many leaders here in New Zealand and around the world its not a job that is taken lightly. You have got to genuinely care about others, you have to be a human who can ‘help’ others and over time let go of how others lead people and write your own story! It’s you people follow not someone else. Make it your own!

When leading people many professionals fall back into older habits, those behaviours and habits that have allowed them to be offered a people management position. I am a big believer that we must continue to strengthen those behaviours and potentially subject to the individual look at bringing in new habits and behaviours that will also continue to help them be successful. When we add in we need to also take out. A dear friend of mine and Olympic Coach talks about this a great deal with his athletes. As a leadership coach we must do all we can to keep things very simple. There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to leading people and as you step into that role or grow into leading bigger teams and or organisations the simpler we can make things the better it will be for you to keep raising up about the weeds and ensure you and your people are moving in the right direction. 

As an emerging leader one must get very comfortable quickly that you can’t and shouldn’t be doing everything. In the 1:1 emerging coaching work I do we spend a great deal of time getting crystal clear on what it is you need to be doing, letting go of things that should be let go of all the while nurturing your strengths and laying pathways to your development areas. 

When dealing with humans we are all going to make mistakes, lets face it we humans are complex beings and whilst we will make mistakes we need to learn from them. I heard from a leader ‘make a mistake and learn from it, make the same mistake twice is foolish’! Something to ponder don’t you think. 

There are many questions to start working thought and many scenarios to play out, don’t get to het up on perfection now isn’t the time to be 100%. Your job now is to lead people and get the very best from them. Your role isn’t to do the work for them. Your role is to educate, nurture, grow and ensuring they are enabling the team and or organisation to move forwards, if not then help them, if things don’t change help them either off the bus or into a position more suited to their skill set. With the aid of our leadership assessments we start to fully understand where you are right now as a leader, what are your leadership strengths and areas you might want to develop. We bring that up to date evidence into our 1:1 emerging leaders coaching work over a period of time you will evolve into the leader you want to be.

Many authors around the world have written about the first 90 days and the importance of getting that right. In your new people management role we must appreciate quiet time, listening, observing, understanding, questioning, getting to know people. The first 90 days shouldn’t be about wholesale change. Slow down to go faster.

As you start to transition and lead people allow yourself the time to celebrate your success. Share the good news with friends and family, go for a nice dinner write down what you are grateful for. 

Leadership isn’t a sprint race, sure there are expectations on you but its not a race. As you start to notice what is actually going on around you only then will you be able to make formed decisions. 

In a time of rushing and speed, quick decisions, access to everything possible at your fingertip, I’d encourage you just to stop, sit and notice what is going on for you. This precious time might be the only precious time you will have over the coming months as you transition into your next chapter of your professional career.  

If you are looking to advance your leadership and would like to discuss leadership development then reach out to me


Glossary of Terms:

Emerging Leader; seen as high achievers within an organisation that show leadership potential. These emerging leaders tend to rise to the occasion, calm under pressure and loyal to the vision of the organisation.

Emerging Leader Coaching; a six month one-on-one coaching engagement for emerging leaders. Over that period the leader works on their leadership skills, tactics, awareness etc in order to be considered for a bigger role within an organisation. This work is certified and accredited. 

Leadership Assessments; evidence based leadership questions, the RLA360 ad RLA look at the emerging leaders current strengths, areas of development. Completed by the emerging leader and key stakeholders

Nick Roud is a multi-award winning leadership coach, 

nickroud.com | global award winning leadership coach | +6421375630