by nickroudcoachi | Jun 19, 2022 | Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching, Roud Career Coaching (Company News)
If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to follow my gut. After successfully coaching hundreds of CEOs, senior executives and future leaders and spending so much time within organisations getting to know their people and world, my instincts were telling me I had...
by nickroudcoachi | Apr 18, 2022 | Executive Coaching, High Performance Coaching, Leadership Development
Effective leadership is simply that. Being 100% effective in your leadership. I recall many years ago training for my first Ironman event in New Zealand. I found a coach Barb Kramer who I connected with and together we lay out a plan that would take us through the...
by nickroudcoachi | Apr 7, 2022 | CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Assessments, Leadership Development, Leadership Maturity
The notion of leadership derives many views. You only have to spend a short amount of time with someone be it over a coffee, a meal or a walk and they will without question give you their view point of what leadership is and how that makes them feel. Great leaders...
by nickroudcoachi | Mar 14, 2022 | CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching
We are in a period of time when we are really being asked to keep our distance. So today’s leadership blog is a bit of a play on that! Come closer in your leadership, I hope you enjoy it and it allows you to develop in your leadership. There is nothing better than to...
by nickroudcoachi | Feb 7, 2022 | Blog, CEO Coaching, Executive Coaching
2022 will be the year of the leader, but that is easier said than done. What does leadership really mean today, how is it evolving into something never seen before. If we leap back a couple of generations the role of a leader was very much different to the leader of...
by nickroudcoachi | Jan 17, 2022 | Blog, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Talent Retention
by Nick Roud Executive Coach We’ve all seen it or heard about really ‘tough’ leaders. The tough leaders that nobody dares say bo to in fear of losing not only your dignity but your job. You know the ones I am talking about. The me me me me type...