Nick Roud, Executive Leadership Coaching.

Leadership is about helping others.

Take Away. Effective leaders who value, nurture and genuinely adopt a rule of putting others first will not only attract talented professionals to their organisations but will also enhance the overall capability of the organisation.

In my executive coaching work that I do with leaders, we discuss and develop talent leadership, or, put another way (their bench). It may shock you that nearly all leaders want the very best for their people. That said and particularly in times of pressure the leader may fall back into old habits. It’s only when we are under pressure do others see aspects of a leaders personality that might dilute all the great work that a leader has put into their people. Pressure can and does many things to people there is no hiding away from pressure and those who are not equiped to deal with such times might choose to engage an executive leadership coach or find a mentor to really talk things through.

Just because you have been given a title of CEO, CIO, CFO, VP, COO etc, doesn’t make you a leader. It’s your people who make you a leader. Many are given the title of CEO and many leave the position better than when they joined. From my coaching work I see themes that it all starts with you, your mindset and the way you show up. Another aspect will come down to how well you have built your bench. How you have engaged with each and every one of them and your ability to bring others along with you.

In a recent coaching session I experienced first hand through our 360 debrief session the real power of genuine servant leadership. My client a respected CEO was welling up when he read the comments that his direct reports has given him. They were not tears of sadness but tears of utter euphoria. We had worked together for around 11 months and during that time he had built an entire new leadership team (we called it The Sherpas) in recognition to just how much support and dedication mountaineers have with there Sherpa teams, always ahead of the group and quietly going about there individual and collective intent. He had spent an enormous amount of time re shaping his team, some were moved into new roles, others were encouraged out of the business, whilst some were given the love to really shine as an executive. If I reflect back on his leadership it could make for a great case study – maybe that might come to life in a few years time. He hadn’t taken the time himself to see all the little gains that had been made with his direct reports, he was so focused on shaping his team that time had gotten away from him, this just to show once again how powerful 360s really are.

Leadership is not about you it’s always about them. If you want the fame, the glory, the spotlight on you then you might want to chose a different career. As a leader your sole responsibility is to look after your people, build high performing groups of professional who complement the current business need. Your job is to set the vision and allow others to take on that vision and make it ‘better’.

The effective leader of today will need to be able to clearly communicate his/her vision, be ok getting challenged and then enable the team to get on and deliver that vision. It has never been a better time in the history of the world to be a CEO, the opportunities which have not yet been realised, the potential is enormous and it all comes back to you Mr or Mrs CEO, how you lead your people. Executive Leadership Coaching for CE’s will over a 12 month engagement with Nick Roud Coaching enable you to really take a step up and out of the organisation and spend time really thinking about yourself as a leader and how your are impacting those you serve. You will without realising it also improve as a leader, that’s my guarantee.

CEO Leadership Coaching

So what are some of the ways leaders, lead their people?

  • Leaders get to know their people
  • Leaders are consistently across what is really going on for their people
  • They hold one on ones and do not allow them to be moved for any reason
  • They seek and ask for feedback
  • Leaders are ok being vulnerable, sharing what is going on for them and not a closed shop
  • Leaders are comfortable stepping back and allowing others to take the spotlight
  • Leaders know when to ask for help
  • Leaders don’t mind making mistakes – they will however learn and not repeat that mistake twice!
  • They spend real time with them, face to face – one – on – one and talk. Communication for a leader is without question the #1 skill leaders need

One size doesn’t fit all you will find your voice and rhythm, as a leader it will take time and lets face it you will make mistakes – learning from those mistakes will help you become a better leader.

To read more of Nick’s leadership blogs check out his leadership blog library. He has been writing since 2016 on all things leadership.

To find out more about Nick Roud check out his Bio here