by Nick Roud | Jan 25, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
THE WAY YOU LEAD. Have you ever noticed or observed a truly great leader in action or listened to a friend who shared with you stories of his or her amazing leader/boss ? Over the Xmas break I got to reflect on 2022 and journal down observations of the...
by Nick Roud | Jan 24, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
KNOW YOUR PEOPLE . It’s all about your people. Without them no leader is able to deliver on his/her vision. How much time do you therefore spend with your people and what is the purpose of that time. When I was training for my very first Ironman race in Taupo,...
by Nick Roud | Jan 23, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
In my interviews and coaching sessions with CEOs I have the pleasure of observing some of the smartest minds around. It’s a huge privilege to work closely with them on their own leadership. No two CE are the same, all walked different routes to the pinnacle...
by Nick Roud | Jan 19, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
NICKS-DAILY-BLOG-1-3Download Let It Go! You can’t control many things. What you can control is yourself and how you chose to deal with the said thing/situation/person , etc. I challenged myself recently to simply just ‘let it go’ and without going into too much detail...
by Nick Roud | Jan 17, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
by Nick Roud | Jan 16, 2023 | Blog, Career Blog, Career Coaching
Nick Roud Blog, January 17th 2023. Today’s career coaching blog includes a self assessment. A common starting conversation with my career coaching clients/professionals typically around January / February time is ‘Nick I should change jobs | make a career...