by Nick Roud | Feb 8, 2023 | Blog, NICK’S DAILY BLOG
SAYING NO ISN’T BAD!. As a parent to 2 kids under the age of 7 you might think this blog is me projecting, well to sorts it is and if you were a fly on my wall over the last few days you would have heard the words NO shared to both the kids quiet a bit!! ...
by Nick Roud | Feb 7, 2023 | Blog, NICK’S DAILY BLOG
LEADERS DO THE RIGHT THINGS. In coaching, observing, meeting, talking with leaders from around the globe, there are those who do and there are those who don’t. What do I mean when I say that? Below is a short list to give you some insight. The list could...
by Nick Roud | Feb 2, 2023 | Blog, NICK’S DAILY BLOG
THE LEADER WHO SLOWS DOWN!. As we start the new month my encouragement to you as you read todays daily blog is breathe! The ultimate leader will ensure time is put into his or her day and that time will be just for them. No meetings, no phone calls, no emails...
by Nick Roud | Jan 30, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
WHAT ALL GREAT CEOs DO. Fundamentally we are all uniquely different. Born not as leaders more as curious natured beings. As we evolve through childhood, teenage years, through to adulthood we start to gain opinions, thoughts, behaviours and skills. Let’s call...
by Nick Roud | Jan 27, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
WHERE IS THE PASSION . Why when watching sport let’s say a tennis match we get to see first had what passion is!. Two giants going hammer and tong and wanting only but to win and gain ultimate glory. The screems of joy as the set is won, the anger when they make...
by Nick Roud | Jan 26, 2023 | NICK’S DAILY BLOG, Blog
YOU DON’T NEED ALL THE ANSWERS!. But I do Nick came the response from a CE in a recent coaching session. She had just been promoted up into her first CE gig and was at a bit of a cross-roads. Where as before she could turn to her CE and talk now she was on her...